C i c l o
Antibes (France) 2 0 2 2
Mural intervention for “Festival Coul’Heures D’Automne” @coulheuresdautomne
A series of paintings that recalls the cycle of life, birth, life itself and death.
The 3 paintings revolve around this concept. One represents the individual, alone. The other represents the family (place where a new being is born) and the last finally represents death.
I used animals as symbols, sheep, symbol of the group, of the herd, of living together.
Animals whose identity disappears as our ancestral relationship with them, and consequently to the most solemn facts of our existence. Great questions that we have ceased to ask ourselves.

Thanks to the team of @coulheuresdautomne @seb_hamard @chris_el_pulpo @antibesjuanlespins and @asso.art.murs
Photo model @andrea_paterno_images