E s t a s i
Catania (Italy) 2016
San Berillo is the old district of Catania where a large part of the city’s craftsmanship lived, after various vicissitudes, an important part of its urban layout was disemboweled, there was the relocation of its inhabitants to another neighborhood and from the seventies become the red light district of the city. After the collapses of 2015 in the San Berillo district, the doors of the buildings have been walled up to prevent new occupations in the buildings by homeless people or prostitutes. the paintings were made on the walled doors of the neighborhood.
“San Berillo. Red Line District “is a social and artistic project, curated by the collective Res Publica temporanea, which came to life in 2016 without permits or authorizations except that of the people and associations who live and work in the neighborhood. there are those who would like once again to cancel that humanity that still resists attacks by speculators, and in light of the events that see the municipal administration close to the mafia circles.
Intervention within the “San Berillo. Red Line Distreet” curated by the collective Res Publica Temporanea .

S i l e n z i o D ‘ o r o
Caltagirone (Italy) 2016
Mural intervention realized at Street Dreams Festival curated by association ManSoucing
R i t o r n e l l a
Abbandonati series
Catania (Italy) 2017
The Ritornella station is a railway station on the slopes of the Etna volcano, essentially for the purpose of movement, the station was opened for operation in 1932 and was definitively abandoned in 1987. (source Wikipedia) During the Second World War the area where it is located the station has been subject to bombing, still some unexploded missile stands near the station. This, along with many other stations, are part of a circuit of railways abandoned by the state over time and now abandon the same throughout Italy. I painted this piece imagining a couple greeting each other before departure, a kiss that remains over time
This wall is part of the series “Abbandonati”. An artwork that talks about time and emotional bonds.
A m a n t i
Abbandonati series
Catania (Italy) 2017
This wall is part of the series “Abbandonati”. An artwork that talks about time and emotional bonds.
S m i l e A s A C h i l d
San Marco d’Alunzio (Italy) 2017
Urban redevelopment in children’s playground
Little mural intervention, reminding to the people who live this small village that it is important to laugh together to continue growing .
Intervention performed on a children’s playground, abandoned and refreshed by the local association TRE60 LAB.
D é f e n s e d’ a f f i c h e r
Abbandonati series
Marseille (France) 2018
This wall is part of the serie “Abbandonati”. An artwork that talks about time and emotional bonds.
C e n e r e
Abbandonati series
Marseille (France) 2018
Cenere is a mural that I have dedicated to birth, to life that can be born in any way and place. The ashes are the result of a destruction from which, however, Life arises and is nourished, so after closing, the circle reopens. The image represented is the portrait of Ava, a few days old baby girl, painted on the wall of a room that had caught fire in an abandoned factory near Marseille. “Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris” (Genesi)
This wall is part of the serie “Abbandonati”. An artwork that talks about time and emotional bonds.
T r a n s p o r t
Transumanze series
Catania (Italy) 2018
The donkey symbolizes the means of transport. On its back, the people based their origins, in fact, in principle, the donkeys helped the human in the transport of large loads and people. This work wants to remember how the animal is disappearing, the same end touches the place where I painted: a large bus depot for urban public transport, almost abandoned, which has the function of transporting people.
Project curated by Emergence Festival together with AMT Catania Spa (Municipal Transport Company of Catania).
C o o p e r a t i o n
Transumanze series
Marseille (France) 2018
The movement, the hardest job. Everyone on the same level, the man and the donkey.
D o n k e y
Transumanze project
Marseille (France) 2019
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